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Kwale based mining company Base Titanium has so far contributed KSh 80 million (USD 800,000) in various initiatives to support efforts to fight COVID -19 in Kenya.

The contribution comes at a time when the Government of Kenya has been working with various stakeholders in the private sector to boost support for addressing COVID-19.

Speaking on behalf of Base Titanium, General Manager for External Affairs, Simon Wall said, “We are proud of the partnerships we have formed with the Kwale County and national government in supporting efforts to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. These are pressing times and Base Titanium believes it is important for the private sector to play a supportive role with the government in minimizing COVID-19 spread. It is in such situations that our commitment to shared value within the community comes to light. Our support does not stop here, we shall continue to support our communities, County Government, and the National Government in their efforts to stop the spread of the CoronaVirus pandemic.”

At the national level, Base Titanium is working with partners in the private sector to deliver 192 high flow oxygen ventilators, of which 100 are a result of Base Titanium’s contribution. These ventilators will save the lives of COVID-19 patients and will act as a legacy investment in Kenya’s health system long after the threat of COVID-19 has subsided.

Additionally, 100 N95 and 500 surgical masks along with 25 litres of hand sanitiser and 100 infrared thermometers have been donated to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining to ensure frontline officials can continue performing their duties safely.

Speaking during the handover Principal Secretary Ambassador Kaberia said, “We are grateful for the partnership and support by Base Titanium, they have proven over time that they are strong development partners for Kenya The PPE we have received will enable the Ministry to continue working safely to minimize the impacts of the economic slowdown.”

In Kwale County, the company has created a food relief programme designed to reach over 50,000 community members in partnership with Kwale County Governor Salim Mvurya to help vulnerable families affected by the pandemic.

At the community level, Base has given over 15,000 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) that include masks, and thermo-guns. Additionally, the community has benefited from over 40 sanitation stations, protective masks, and sanitizers.

“We would like to commend the Ministry of Health and all of Kenya’s frontline healthcare providers who have done a wonderful job in managing the impacts of COIV-19 to date.  Base Titanium believes we all have a role to play in adhering to guidelines provided by the government, supporting impacted communities and ensuring we exit this situation stronger and prosperous than ever,” Simon Wall added.

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