Outside Anglo American Platinum’s Tumela mine shaft about 25 workers, many still in the overalls and hard hats they wore on their shift, sit patiently waiting for their coronavirus vaccines while vervet monkeys scamper over the roofs of nearby steel storage containers. They then file into a room where theirContinue Reading

upport by a China-invested company, Namibia has heightened healthcare provision and enabling medical professionals in the country’s coastal Erongo region to perform their duties more easily amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Rossing mining company’s donation of medical supplies to seven health facilities worth over 1 million Namibian dollars (68,500 U.S. dollars)Continue Reading

In order to be able to treat the City of Stockholm’s wastewater in the future, the municipalcompany Stockholm Vatten och Avfall is making a significant investment. Henriksdalwastewater treatment plant is being developed into one of the most modern in the world,the Sickla plant is being expanded and a new 14Continue Reading

Indiana-based engineering firm Matrix Design Group has launched an AI-powered collision avoidance application for mining operations. The application uses AI and machine learning to ensure that equipment avoids accidents with inanimate objects as well as with pedestrians. The technology includes up to three 120-degree field-of-view cameras, and does not requireContinue Reading

FOUR miners lost their lives at the mines of Sibanye-Stillwater today, the gold and platinum group metals (PGM) miner said in an announcement. A miner was killed in the early hours at Khuseleka shaft at the firm’s Rustenburg PGM operations following a fall of ground incident. The event happened “… whilstContinue Reading

Following international climate change commitments to reduce carbon emissions, many countries are now starting to plan the practical details of how they will achieve their goals. SRK Consulting recently researched the carbon footprint of commodities and how the mining sector plans to reduce it. Decarbonisation is rapidly picking up momentumContinue Reading

The Gender and International Affairs Unit of Minerals Commission has held a sensitisation and awareness creation programme on the theme “Eliminating child labour in the mining communities” in Afiefiso in the Upper Denkyira West Assembly. In his address, Mr Richmond Kodua, the District Chief Executive Officer urged parents to desistContinue Reading

The future of each child starts at the moment of birth. Unfortunately, not all babies are born full-term and are therefore exposed to numerous complications which can arise as a result of spending less time in their mother’s womb than is considered ideal. A preterm baby is any baby bornContinue Reading