At Hitachi, our iron will is to continuously improve so your iron will be even more efficient, reliable and durable. The result? Our new EX-7 Series excavators feature reduced fuel consumption and optimized productivity. The EX2600-7 is part of this new line of mining excavators, which highlights Hitachi’s focus on continuous improvement throughContinue Reading

Construction and mining industries look set to be the major winners particularly with the emergence of the bulk material handling systems which were launched recently. With those two industries expected to be adopters of the bulk material handling machine, it is its demand-driven activities that are expected to be itsContinue Reading

The Gender and International Affairs Unit of Minerals Commission has held a sensitisation and awareness creation programme on the theme “Eliminating child labour in the mining communities” in Afiefiso in the Upper Denkyira West Assembly. In his address, Mr Richmond Kodua, the District Chief Executive Officer urged parents to desistContinue Reading

The fourth industrial revolution and the paradigm-shifting effect it will have on all industries has been a hot topic for years. While there have certainly been sceptics, some of the digital technologies that have emerged promise to unlock profound efficiencies, transparency and competitiveness. Huge strides have been made in digitisingContinue Reading

The future of each child starts at the moment of birth. Unfortunately, not all babies are born full-term and are therefore exposed to numerous complications which can arise as a result of spending less time in their mother’s womb than is considered ideal. A preterm baby is any baby bornContinue Reading