Outside Anglo American Platinum’s Tumela mine shaft about 25 workers, many still in the overalls and hard hats they wore on their shift, sit patiently waiting for their coronavirus vaccines while vervet monkeys scamper over the roofs of nearby steel storage containers. They then file into a room where theirContinue Reading

Celeros Flow Technology has injected new life into a heritage pump for a Canadian heavy oil recovery customer, enabling them to increase production. The pump – a Mather & Platt BB5 – was more than 40 years old and had been subject to numerous post-installation alterations. Heavy oil deposits areContinue Reading

New Luber-finer app updates make finding the right Luber-finer filters easier for distributors, owner-operators, fleet maintenance teams and installers Luber-finer®, a leading Champion Laboratories, Inc., filter brand, has released new updates to the Luber-finer app for smartphones and tablets that run on Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems. TheContinue Reading

FloWorks International LLC, the specialty flow control distribution platform, has acquired parts and services distributor netMercury. Image © Murrstock – stock.adobe.com. Founded in 2000, netMercury distributes critical parts and services to the global integrated circuit fabrication and technology industries with three locations in Dallas, Austin and Phoenix. The company’s productsContinue Reading

Rossing mining company’s donation of medical supplies to seven health facilities worth over 1 million Namibian dollars (68,500 U.S. dollars) include protective chemical overalls, full isolation gowns, portable oxygen cylinders, sanitizer dispensers, electrical hospital beds, saturation probes and theatre caps for nursing staff among others. Marita Mouton, a doctor atContinue Reading