The American government’s powerful finance arm, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) has introduced a raft of measures designed to provide support and liquidity for the country’s significant number of exporting companies. Given EXIM Bank’s historic $5 billion investment in Mozambique LNG – its largest ever committed toContinue Reading

DRC mining minister to attend long running event in Copperbelt The long-awaited homecoming of the DRC Mining Week expo and conference is only one week away: it kicks off next Wednesday, 1 June and will gather thousands of mining professionals, celebrating its return to Lubumbashi. The DRC’s minister of mines, H.E. Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi,Continue Reading

South African technical know-how in great demand on the continent South Africa’s Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) is hosting a South African pavilion at the upcoming DRC Mining Week, taking place in Lubumbashi from 1–3 June. The delegation comprises 20 South African firms that specialise in the latest miningContinue Reading

Major geopolitical forces are putting new pressures on the global mining industry at a time when the sector is reinventing itself to address the opportunities of a decarbonised economy, according to the Content Director of the world’s largest resources industry event, Resourcing Tomorrow. Andrew Thake said these issues will beContinue Reading