While government has yet to finalise, its regulatory requirements relating to the rehabilitation of land disturbed by mining, the mining industry is concerned regarding some of the proposed amendments to post-closure requirements. It is anticipated that these new regulations will deliver a single environmental regime that will streamline rehabilitation processes.Continue Reading

Members of the Hawks, the North West Airwing, Explosives Unit, Cluster IMTT, Public Order Policing, Tactical Response Team, Crime Prevention Unit, the Local Criminal Record Centre, and the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy formed part of the operation, which resulted in the police arresting the illegal miners POLICE FOLLOWEDContinue Reading

Long-standing Mining Indaba participant Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company, builds solutions aimed at helping the mining industry’s digital transformation, giving miners new ways to solve increasingly complex problems, manage risk, and uncover valuable insights from data, quicker. Marc Delport, Seequent’s Head of Customer Solutions – EMEA.“There’s a definite and palpableContinue Reading

The Minerals Council South Africa, in collaboration with accounting firm PwC and the Mandela Mining Precinct, will soon release its new 2022/23 report on the state of digitalisation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) in South African mining. “Digital transformation is an imperative for miningContinue Reading

Mining is an essential sector for economic growth in many African countries. However, the environmental impact of mining can be devastating, particularly when it comes to air quality. Poor air quality in mines and surrounding communities can lead to serious health problems such as respiratory diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.Continue Reading

Camco Equipment Zambia continues to be the one-stop supplier of “Reliable and Affordable” machinery and equipment as it adds a new product to the heavy-duty and construction industries. CAMCO held the official launch of the HONGYAN tipper trucks; one of China’s leading brands for heavy-duty machinery on the 14th of JanuaryContinue Reading

The global company Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions will this year integrate its two recent South African acquisitions into the Sandvik company structure – with the aim of becoming the preferred crushing and screening supplier to the mining industry in Africa. Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions South Africa will be formed fromContinue Reading