Weir Minerals, manufacturer of the industry-leading Warman® slurry pump, has released the latest edition of its coveted Warman® Slurry Pumping Handbook. The 6th edition, compiled by the most trusted name in slurry pumps, features detailed engineering data required for most slurry pumping applications. Drawing on decades of Weir Minerals’ inhouseContinue Reading

Pilot Crushtec International’s standing as a leading supplier of crushing and screening solutions has received a global endorsement following the 2022 Distributor of the Year Award from Metso Outotec, ranking the company as the best performing Metso Outotec dealer in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Adam Benn, Director, CapitalContinue Reading

Mining is a vital industry worldwide, responsible for extracting precious minerals and resources that power many aspects of modern life. However, mining operations can be extremely challenging, with high levels of stress placed on equipment, machinery, and vehicles. To ensure that these assets remain operational, reliable, and efficient, proper lubricationContinue Reading

Regional drill campaigns and geophysical programs in 2022 continue to improve geological and basin models at Ivanhoe Mines’ Western Foreland licence package in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ivanhoe Mines’ DRC exploration team is targeting high-grade Kamoa-Kakula-style copper mineralisation across its 2,407-square-kilometre Western Foreland licence package, which liesContinue Reading

During one of his many visits to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Siddharth Kara, an author and Harvard academic who has spent 20 years researching modern slavery, met a young woman sifting dirt for traces of cobalt. Priscille told him she had suffered two miscarriages and that her husband,Continue Reading

The positive climate for mined commodities – and battery minerals in particular – is giving the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) great opportunities to leverage its resource wealth. However, there are numerous burning issues that mining companies there are facing. These range from social and environmental impacts, mine closure, mineralContinue Reading

While government has yet to finalise, its regulatory requirements relating to the rehabilitation of land disturbed by mining, the mining industry is concerned regarding some of the proposed amendments to post-closure requirements. It is anticipated that these new regulations will deliver a single environmental regime that will streamline rehabilitation processes.Continue Reading

Members of the Hawks, the North West Airwing, Explosives Unit, Cluster IMTT, Public Order Policing, Tactical Response Team, Crime Prevention Unit, the Local Criminal Record Centre, and the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy formed part of the operation, which resulted in the police arresting the illegal miners POLICE FOLLOWEDContinue Reading