Mercury—a highly toxic chemical used to extract gold from ore—is leaving a devastating impact on people and the environment. It damages the lungs, skin, and eyes while spreading far beyond mining sites, contaminating air, water, and soil. Even worse, mercury accumulates in the food chain, posing a serious threat toContinue Reading

Swiss multinational Glencore, a global leader in raw material extraction and marketing, has unveiled exciting projections in its 2024 reserves and resources report. According to the company, the Mutanda mine—located just 40 kilometers from Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)—is sitting on an impressive treasure trove of copperContinue Reading

UK-based mining exploration company First Africa Metals has announced that rock chip sampling has confirmed the presence of exceptionally high-grade lithium-bearing pegmatites at its Misika project in Zambia’s Southern Province. Independent laboratory analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicate that outcropping pegmatites from existing shallow artisanal open pits contain spodumene,Continue Reading

European countries and others have set ambitious targets to transition to electric mobility by 2035, with electric batteries being a cornerstone of this endeavor. These batteries consist of lithium and other vital minerals found in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). However, the DRC faces challenges in fully leveraging itsContinue Reading

Is it likely that more major copper deposits will be found in the Domes region of north-west Zambia? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’ if one speaks to NICK VON SCHIRNDING, Executive Chairman of junior explorer Arc Minerals. As he explains to contributing editor ARTHUR TASSELL, the area is currently oneContinue Reading

Regional drill campaigns and geophysical programs in 2022 continue to improve geological and basin models at Ivanhoe Mines’ Western Foreland licence package in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ivanhoe Mines’ DRC exploration team is targeting high-grade Kamoa-Kakula-style copper mineralisation across its 2,407-square-kilometre Western Foreland licence package, which liesContinue Reading

Government’s milestone approval of the Kalumbila Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) will enhance trade and job creation in North-Western Province and promote the area as an attractive foreign investment destination, says First Quantum Minerals.  Final approval of the facility by the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry gives local suppliers aContinue Reading