Regional drill campaigns and geophysical programs in 2022 continue to improve geological and basin models at Ivanhoe Mines’ Western Foreland licence package in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ivanhoe Mines’ DRC exploration team is targeting high-grade Kamoa-Kakula-style copper mineralisation across its 2,407-square-kilometre Western Foreland licence package, which liesContinue Reading

The positive climate for mined commodities – and battery minerals in particular – is giving the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) great opportunities to leverage its resource wealth. However, there are numerous burning issues that mining companies there are facing. These range from social and environmental impacts, mine closure, mineralContinue Reading

The Minerals Council South Africa, in collaboration with accounting firm PwC and the Mandela Mining Precinct, will soon release its new 2022/23 report on the state of digitalisation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) in South African mining. “Digital transformation is an imperative for miningContinue Reading

Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce the completion of its acquisition of the nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum-group elements (“Ni-Cu-Co-PGE”) Selkirk Mine in Botswana, together with associated infrastructure and four surrounding prospecting licences formerly operated by Tati Nickel Mining Company (“TNMC”). The acquisition was completed pursuant to the Company’s previously-announcedContinue Reading

MMG Ltd has announced progress with two major expansions at its mining operations. The firm has approved extending the life of its Kinsevere copper operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for at least 13 years; while in Peru, the Ministry of Energy and Mines has released the regulatory approvalContinue Reading