ALROSA, the world’s leading diamond miner by volume in carats, released its first ever Impact Report covering the period 2010-2020. The report summarises the company’s social and economic progress in Yakutia, Russia’s largest and coldest region, which is home to 90% of ALROSA’s operations. ALROSA’s diamond mining activities in YakutiaContinue Reading

Today, the Commission announces an additional €20 million to finance a new power plant in Rwanguba, that will provide a further 15 Megawatt of electricity. The European Union’s rapid response to the urgent environmental crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has helped to restore up to 96% of the powerContinue Reading

Perseus Mining Limited has released its CY20 Sustainable Development Report. The report details the company’s progress over the past 12 months in delivering on its commitment to responsible mining operations in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, including an overall economic benefit to host countries totalling about USD$385M. As part of its longstandingContinue Reading

“We hope to move projects to further stages where financiers are more comfortable to get involved” A presentation by Nigeria’s Solid Mineral Development Fund (SMDF) during a session on financing operations in the country’s burgeoning mining sector created a lot of excitement on Tuesday during Nigeria Mining Week’s Digital Event. “The SMDF has beenContinue Reading