Angolan Ambassador to China calls for mining investments in the country

The Angolan ambassador to China, João dos Santos called for investment in mining in his country. This was part of the presentation of new concessions. Santos was speaking on behalf of the Angolan minister of Mineral Resources and Oil, at the third technical presentation of the mining concessions of Kassala Kitungo, Camafuca-Camazambo, Tchitengo, Kassala Kitungo, Cácata and Lucunda, the tender for which will be launched on 7 October in Luanda.

Santos stressed that the Angolan Government has been taking steps to improve the business environment in order to attract foreign investment for the exploration of natural resources. This, he says, has since increased the confidence of international investors in the Angolan market.

Furthermore, and according to media reports, the Angolan government intends to reduce dependence on oil, the main export product, by betting on other segments of economic activity, such as the exploration of other natural resources. This is with the improvement of the business environment.

The technical presentation held in Beijing is the third in a series of five scheduled events – Luanda (27 August), Dubai (10 September), Beijing (16 September), London (20 September) and New York (30 September), according to media reports.

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